
Il-Mixja Lejn il-Kalvarju
Il-Mixja Lejn il-Kalvarju
Delve into a thought-provoking comparison between modern life and the Passion of the Christ in this presentation. The programme includes...
In Finem Dilexit Eos
In Finem Dilexit Eos
A concert of sacred music with pauses for spiritual reflections. Presented by the Soċjeta’ Filarmonika Santa Marija Żebbuġ under the...
Hebdomada Sancta
Hebdomada Sancta
A Via Crucis, made of fourteen five-metre crucifixes which will be lit everyday accompanied by sacred music. Share and Enjoy...
Lignum Vitae
Lignum Vitae
A concert of sacred music by the Visitation Band, under the musical direction of Assistant Maestro Marvin Grech, with the...
Pie Gesu – A Sacred Opening
Pie Gesu – A Sacred Opening
Gaulitana commences with a vocal-instrumental concert featuring ushering audiences into Holy Week. Mirroring the musical experiences programmed for the month-long...
Teatru Astra is proud to annouce a collaboration with Festivals Malta in the production and premiering of Joseph Vella’s opera...
TIMELESS MARIA MITEVA Flute EUGENIA RADOSLAVA Piano – Austria Eugenia Radoslava features in her second chamber recital at the festival,...
Suite a Cappella
Suite a Cappella
SUITE A CAPPELLA LILIANA KEHAYOVA Cello – Bulgaria 19:45: Presentation by Valentina Lupo, Atelier del Restauro The Restoration Process of...
PUCCINI100 Exhibition (Open until 21 April, Viewing Hours – All Day) in collaboration with the Fondazione Giacomo Puccini LUIGI VIANI...
Piano Dances
Piano Dances
PIANO DANCES EUGENIA RADOSLAVA I ALBENA PETROVIC VRATCHANSKA Piano Duo – Austria/Luxembourg A familiar face with festival audiences, Eugenia Radoslava...
Nostalgia – Winter Closing
Nostalgia – Winter Closing
Get ready for the last Nostalgia party of this winter season @ Club Paradiso. We promise it will be a...
Sonata a Due
Sonata a Due
SONATA A DUE ELEONORA PODESTÀ Violin MARCO PODESTÀ Piano – Italy Eminent concert pianist and recording artists Marco Podestà, a...