
Gozo Football League 1st. Div. – Kercem Ajax vs S.K. Victoria Wanderers
In our community, the excitement of football never stops; you can count on a thrilling lineup of football fixtures each...

UEFA Under 19 Tournament hosted in Malta between July 3rd-16th
Malta se tospita l-Fażi finali tal-Kampjonat UEFA ta’ taħt id-19-il sena Dawk kollha li huma appassjonati tal-football, se jkunu...

Festa Roti
Malti Kulħadd mistieden għat-tieni edizzjoni tal-Festival tar-Roti – attivita għal familja kollha inkluż tfal ta’ kull eta! Din l-attivita taż-żewġ...

The Gozo Half Marathon
The Gozo Half Marathon Organising Committee is proud to announce that registrations for participation in this year’s Teamsport Gozo Half...

Nadur Nature Walk
This event is being organised by Din L-Art Ħelwa Għawdex, in partnership with Nature Trust Malta-FEE. Learn more about some...