
Iċċelebra l-imħabba b’mod differenti. L’Amour ser tinkludi kummiedja romantika b’attur ewlieni, u ser tkun relatata mal-imħabba. Il-kummiedja romantika bl-isem ta’ Tħobbni jew ma tħobbnix inkitbet apposta għal din l-attività minn Ed Vassallo. L-Arpista Jacob Portelli, ser jesegwixxi fuq l-arpa quddiem dawk preżenti, siltiet marbutin mal-imħabba waqt din l-attività.


Celebrate love differently this year by attending L’Amour!

L’Amour will include a romantic comedy focusing on the theme of love and which will be performe by a sole artist. The romantic comedy entitled ‘Tħobbni jew ma tħobbnix’ was written specifically for this occassion by Mr. Ed Vassallo. Those present at the activity will also be entertained by Harpist Jacob Portelli, who will be playing love themed songs.


Event Info

February 9, 2023 7:30 pm

Location: Tal Mulejja Street, Fontana