Gozo Ceramics Festival
The 10th edition of the Gozo Ceramics Festival features both local and international ceramic artists showcasing their talents in sculpting...
The Killing of all the Gozitan Christian Male Population: The Story of a Little-Known Arab Siege
This public lecture is about a Muslim siege in Gozo that occurred before the year 1200 A.D. Unfortunately, the history...
Gozo Flower Art Festival
The Gozo Flower Art Festival will take place on 28 April – 1 May around Victoria. This event is a...
Salib, Gesu u int
Description in Maltese and English: Installazzjoni f’nofs il-Pjazza relatata ma’ żmien l-Għid, magħmula minn materjal irriċiklat. An Easter-themed installation,...
In Harmony: Folk Music in Gozo
IN HARMONY: FOLK MUSIC IN GOZO Exhibition (open until 30 April) △ ANNA BORG CARDONA │ JOSEPH CALLEJA Curators The...
Nicolas Bacri, Graciane Finzi and Philippe Hersant, French top composers, composed three sonatas inspired by the German Composer Brahms. Agnès...
Lejla ta’ attivitajiet kulturali b’tema biblika fiċ-ċentru storiku tal-Belt Victoria, li jvarjaw minn arti, għal mużika, letteratura, gastronomija, teatru, kif...
Esprit Bather
Description in Maltese and English: Wirja retrospettiva mill-artist eminenti tas-seklu 20, Esprit Barthet, li se jkun fiha sebgħin biċċa...
Festa ta ferh
Description in Maltese and English: Installazzjoni ta’ arti effimera, b’disinn relatat mal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa magħmula bil-melħ, mill-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija EspressjonArti Għarb....
Ghad-Dell tas-Salib
Description in Maltese and English: Wirja organizzata mill-Għaqda Armar Triq Diċembru 13 fejn fiha se jkunu esibiti bosta oġġetti...
Cain and Lazarus
Description in Maltese and English: Taħdita mill-Professur Richard England, Perit Malti, artist, awtur, u akkademiku, fejn se juża l-immaġinazzjoni...
Illuminating Caravaggio
Description in Maltese and English: Rita Curmi, li hi light designer, se tispjega l-illuminazzjoni tal-kapulavur ta’ Caravaggio: Il-Qtugħ ir-Ras...