
LUX Crucificux – Dawl tal-Imsallab
LUX Crucificux – Dawl tal-Imsallab
Mixegħla bix-xemgħat u effetti tad-dawl, flimkien ma’ simboli reliġjużi fit-toroq u s-sqaqien fl-inħawi ta’ madwar il-knisja parrokkjali, li bihom tinħoloq...
Il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa fil-Munxar
Il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa fil-Munxar
Join us for an unforgettable Fjakkolata, a mesmerizing spectacle of flickering torches illuminating the night sky, blending tradition and devotion...
As part of Lenten Week activities, the Nadur Local Council proudly presents “Kuntrasti,” a production written and directed by Joe...
Purċissjoni tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira
Purċissjoni tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira
Good Friday procession led by the Cathedral Chapter and accompanied by the Leone Band Club and biblical characters. Share and...
Our Lady of Sorrows Diocesan Mass and Procession
Our Lady of Sorrows Diocesan Mass and Procession
Eucharistic celebration followed by a procession accompanied by the venerated statue of Our Lady of Sorrows. Share and Enjoy !...
Nippreparaw fi Żmien ir-Randan
Nippreparaw fi Żmien ir-Randan
Feature letterarju dwar kif fi żmien ir-Randan nippreparaw għall-Passjoni ta’ Ġesù miktub mill-Kav. Joe M. Attard akkumpanjat minn siltiet mużikali...
The Lent Period, as a Preparation
The Lent Period, as a Preparation
A thought-provoking feature about the Lenten season, written by Chev. Joe M. Attard, will be accompanied by the Allegro Clefs...
Purċissjoni tal-Bambin
Purċissjoni tal-Bambin
A traditional procession featuring the statuette of Baby Jesus. Joining this procession are children from the MUSEUM, accompanied by the...
Festival tad-Dawl
Festival tad-Dawl
Join us in the picturesque hamlet of Santa Luċija as we celebrate our Patron Saint with a symbolic parade. Be...
60th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
60th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
Embark on a journey of faith and community on 3rd December as we host a Church Parade through the charming...
Ta Pinu Infiorata
Ta Pinu Infiorata
Ta Pinu Infiorata is being held at Ta Pinu National Shrine, Gharb on Thursday 22nd June at 5:00pm
Faith Over Fear
Faith Over Fear
English This exciting occasion, organized by youth, will feature a variety of activities including games, drama, dance, and opportunities to...