
L-Irxoxt Firefest
L-Irxoxt Firefest
Join us for The Risen Christ Firefest, a spectacular fireworks show! This event will feature the ascension of the Risen...
L-Imsallab Fi Triqatna
L-Imsallab Fi Triqatna
Join us for the passion of Christ play in the streets of Victoria.
Pellegrinaġġ tal-Ġublew bil-Kurċifiss Mirakoluż Ta’ Ġieżu
Pellegrinaġġ tal-Ġublew bil-Kurċifiss Mirakoluż Ta’ Ġieżu
The Jubilee Pilgrimage with the Miraculous Crucifix of Jesus will take place on the island of Gozo from Friday, March...
Festa Titulari ta’ Santa Luċija
Festa Titulari ta’ Santa Luċija
Friday 13th and Saturday 14th December, at 20:00 – enjoy the captivating sight of band marches through the charming streets...
Pre-Feast Party – Santa Luċija Feast
Pre-Feast Party – Santa Luċija Feast
Join us with family and friends for an enjoyable evening, as we celebrate the feast of The Immaculate Conception in...
Ħruġ Min-Niċċa – Santa Luċija Feast
Ħruġ Min-Niċċa – Santa Luċija Feast
The village feast in Santa Luċija will commence its festivities with the statue of Immaculate Conception being brought out from...
Konferenza fuq Il-Papa Benedittu XVI
Konferenza fuq Il-Papa Benedittu XVI
Il-Fondazzjoni Ħajja F’Għawdex is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a conference on Pope Benedict XVI, centered around...
Mixegħla Tal-Qaddisin
Mixegħla Tal-Qaddisin
Step into a mesmerising world where art, spirituality, and the soft glow of candlelight unite in a stunning display! Join...
Quddiesa Fiċ-Ċimiterju – Żebbuġ
Quddiesa Fiċ-Ċimiterju – Żebbuġ
Join us for a heartfelt mass with Fr. Krystof Buttiġieġ at Żebbuġ cemetery during this sacred month dedicated to the...
Intergenerational Mass: A Celebration of Youth and Wisdom
Intergenerational Mass: A Celebration of Youth and Wisdom
An intergenerational mass will be held at Ta’ Pinu, featuring a children’s choir from Sannat Primary School singing alongside our...
Recharge – Velja Taż-Żgħażagħ – Xagħra Feast
Recharge – Velja Taż-Żgħażagħ – Xagħra Feast
We invite all the young people of our parish to the Vigil of prayers.  Share and Enjoy ! Shares
Ħruġ Min-Niċċa – Xagħra Feast
Ħruġ Min-Niċċa – Xagħra Feast
The statue of the Nativity of our Lady in Xagħra will be brought out of its niche, marking the commencement...