Ave Crux Spes Unica


Esibizzjoni ta’ arti sagra li tikkonsisti f’kappella mżejna u armata apposta għal dawn il-jiem, xbieha għażiża u devota tal-Wiċċ ta’ Kristu li tmur lura lejn it-tieni nofs tas-seklu 19, kif ukoll sett vari tal-Passjoni – magħmulin lokalment – flimkien ma’ vestwarju tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa.

Għal aktar informazzjoni kkuntattjaw lis-Sur George Mercieca fuq 9927 0558


A sacred art exhibition showcasing an image of the Holy Face of Jesus, which dates to the second half of the 19th century, a chapel decorated for this holy season, as well as a set of statues depicting the Passion of the Christ. One can also admire biblical attire, synonymous with the Holy Week.

For more information contact Mr George Mercieca on 99270558


Event Info

March 29, 2023

Location: 24, Kenn l-Assunta, Triq Santa Marija, Rabat