Easter … a Musical Celebration – Concert 2023


Il-Fondazzjoni Santa Ċeċilja ta’ Għawdex sejra ttellgħa kunċert marbut maż-żmien l-Għid bit-tema ‘Easter… a musical celebration’. Kunċert li ser joffri spettaklu u ċelebrazzjoni ta’ mużika ferreħija marbuta mal-perjodu tal-Għid.

F’dan il-kunċert ser jindaqqu siltiet minn musicals tant popolari fosthom ‘Mary Poppins’, ‘Sound of Music’, ‘The Lion King’, ‘Les Miserables’, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, ‘Jesus Christ Super Star’, ‘The Greatest Snowman’ u tant oħrajn ta’ kompożituri famużi.

Ser tieħu sehem strings quartet (leader: James Zammit) flimkien mas-sopran Alison Gatt u Georg Zammit bħala tenur, bl-akkumpanjament tal-pjanu, u strumentini oħra li jkomplu jdaħħlu fl-atmosfera lill-udjenza preżenti. Il-kunċert ser jinżamm fil-Lukanda Kempinski, f’San Lawrenz, nhar il-Ġimgħa, 21 ta’ April 2023, fit-8pm. Jippreżenta s-serata s-Sur Lelio Spiteri.


The Gozo Santa Ċeċilja Foundation will be hosting an Easter concert themed ‘Easter…a musical celebration’. The concert will showcase a joyous spectacle and celebration of music related to the Easter period.

Popular musical pieces will be played during this concert. Said pieces being taken from ‘Mary Poppins’, ‘Sound of Music’, ‘The Lion King’, ‘Les Miserables’, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, ‘Jesus Christ Super Star’, ‘The Greatest Snowman’ and many other classics orchestrated by famous composers will also be performed.

A string quartet, lead by James Zammit, along with soprano Alison Gatt & tenor George Zammit will be taking part. They will be accompanied by a piano along with other instruments which will gradually aid in creating an astounding ambience to all thos present. The concert will take place in Kempinski Hotel, on Friday 21st April 2023 at 8:00pm, which will be presented by Mr. Lelio Spiteri.

Event Info

April 21, 2023 8:00 pm

Location: Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz