This wine festival will be held on Sunday, 30th April from 8.00pm onwards. Various local food and wine stalls will be provided in conjunction with other forms of entertainment such as local music bands and synchronized fireworks, certainly an event not to be missed!


Wine Festival nhar il-Hadd, 30 t’April mit-8.00pm ’il quddiem. Se jkun hemm varjetà ta’ ikel lokali kif ukoll inbejjed ipprovdut f’bankerelli. Ma jistax jonqos kant lokali u wirja ta’ spettaklu tan-nar sinkronizzat. Bla dubju serata li mhux ta’ min jitlifha!

Event Info

April 30, 2023 8:00 pm

Location: 36.02727222378279
More info: Visit website