Jump for Life (2nd ed.)

We are living in a culture where substances have become more available, where to make use of recreational drugs (cannabis, cocaine and synthetic drugs) has become a way of being cool, trendy, relax and perform in life.

One the other hand, sports is scientifically proven to be a means of relaxation, helps performing better in life and assist in socializing – hence a means of preventing substance abuse while promoting addiction recovery.

This idea was brought forward by a beneficiary and is seen as a sign of support and encouragement for those who need to make that jump to improve their life by asking for help regarding their substance abuse.

Our Main aims:

  • Promote water sports as a means of staying away from substance abuse and addictive behaviour
  • To encourage people to seek help and if they need to do something to improve their life although they might find it difficult, they do it


  • Walk from Xlendi to the area of Sanap Cliffs and back
  • Canoe activity
  • Jump in the sea

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Event Info

December 30, 2023 8:45 am - 12:30 pm

Location: Xlendi Bay