Milied fl-Ghejjun 2022


Villaġġ ta’ Santa Klaws fejn fost l-oħrajn wieħed jista’ jesplorah, jara l-ħidma tal-elfi u saħansitra jgħinhom fil-preparamenti għal-lejl tal-Milied. Se jinkludi wkoll Santa’s Petting Zoo. L-attività, fir-raba’ edizzjoni tagħha, hija festival innovativ li minbarra n-North Pole Walkthrough Experience se tinkludi s-sehem ta’ bosta korijiet tat-tfal Għawdxin, talent lokali, numru ta’ bankerelli, kids’ area u tingħalaq b’kunċert minn Cash and Band. Walk Through Experience: 1pm – 6:30pm | Live Shows: 1pm – 4pm, 5:30pm – 6:30pm | Cash and Band in Concert: 6:30pm – 8pm | Christmas Village: 1pm – 8pm.


A walkthrough experience to Santa’s very own North Pole, where children will have the opportunity to explore the village, help Santa prepare for Christmas Eve and interact with his elves. The walkthrough will include Santa’s Petting Zoo. Also featured various children’s choirs, local talent, stalls, kids’ area, and live music by Cash & Band. Walk Through Experience: 1pm – 6:30pm | Live Shows: 1pm – 4pm, 5:30pm – 6:30pm | Cash and Band in Concert: 6:30pm – 8pm | Christmas Village: 1pm – 8pm.

Event Info

December 11, 2022 1:00 pm

Location: Fontana Parvis
More info: Visit website