Purċissjoni bil-Bambin


Purċissjoni tradizzjonali forma ta’ Pageant, b’Ġesù Bambin, minn tfal tas-Soċjetà tad-Duttrina Nisranija MUSEUM madwar it-toroq tan-Nadur. F’din ilpurċissjoni jieħdu sehem bosta atturi lebsin ta’ persunaġġi Bibbliċi flimkien mad-daqq tal-Banda Mnarja tan-Nadur.


A traditional procession with the statuette of Baby Jesus with the participation of children attending the Society of Christian Doctrine MUSEUM, winds through the streets of Nadur accompanied by the Mnarja Band performing traditional Christmas carols.

Event Info

December 24, 2022 7:00 pm

Location: Main Streets, In-Nadur
More info: Visit website