Il-Ġimgħa, 9 u s-Sibt, 10 ta’ Diċembru, fit-8:00pm – Marċ madwar it-toroq ta’ dan l-irħajjel pittoresk, segwit minn logħob tan-nar.
Il-Ħadd, 11 ta’ Diċembru fit-8:30am – Quddiesa solenni u fil-5:00pm purċissjoni solenni bl-istatwa ex-voto ta’ Santa Luċija V.M., akkumpanjata minn logħob tan-nar u baned.
Friday, 9th and Saturday, 10th December, at 8:00pm – Band marches along the main streets of this picturesque hamlet accompanied by a fireworks display.
Sunday, 11th December at 8:30am – a Solemn Mass will be celebrated. At 5:00pm, a procession with the ex-voto statue of St Lucy V.M., accompanied by fireworks as well as band marches.